Insight Into Program!
Being a member of MuscleXP fitness influencer program, you will get an unlimited supply of exclusive MuscleXP bodybuilding products and Nourish Vitals nutritional supplements. You need to use your FREE MuscleXP and Nourish Vitals Products to create unique and valuable content for your followers. We will appreciate your innovative ideas!

Earn a chance to make money with us! Yes, you read it, right! But, How? By launching your own gym and nutritional supplements range with MuscleXP! So don’t lose the opportunity to take part in this money-making health and fitness influencer program in India.

Why Join This Program Right Now!


Every month, get a few MuscleXP and Nourish Vitals Products crafted with care and loved by health and fitness lovers!


Earn Rewards!

You can get a coupon worth Rs 5000 on becoming a “MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer of the Week”.


Get Visibility Among Millions!

Get a chance to get featured on our social media platforms and website on becoming a MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer of the week.


Get Access To MuscleXP Manufacturing Process!

As a MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer, you will get a chance to work with our team of researchers to formulate a product of your own choice.


Benefits You Get To Share With Your Followers!

Share the ‘BIG BEAUTY GALORE’ survey with your Insta fam using your unique link and ALL your followers who fill up the survey get Assured Freebies & Coupons from MuscleXP
Wait, that’s not it! Everytime someone uses your special link to take the survey it increases your chances of getting picked as the ‘MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer of the Week.’

early access

Get Visibility Among Millions!

Win a chance to try our new formulations before it’s launch in the market! You will be given awesome samples too!
Get a special link with more details on your email!


Chances To Attend Masterclasses With The Best!

Get a chance to learn more from industry experts by attending our super exciting sessions on fitness, content creation, and other interesting topics. It’s absolutely free of cost!

You Just Need To Do This!
Create at least 4 posts on Instagram every month. Think about the unique fitness or bodybuilding ideas and share them with your Instagram family. Spread the words about our products in your Insta stories. Ask your followers to give our products a try to achieve their health and fitness goals. Use hashtag #MuscleXP #nourishvitals #MuscleXPhealthfitnessprogram #MuscleXPbodybuildingsupplements

To make your journey more interesting, check our flash campaigns regularly.

Share more and more about us and our products!
You may get a chance to enjoy extra bodybuilding and nutritional supplements on your Fitness Box then!

Make your own health and fitness range with us!
Have you ever thought of making your own bodybuilding and wellness supplements? If so, here is a chance to fulfil your dream. Get a chance to work with our highly skilled professionals and create a product of your own choice!

Become a MuscleXP Fitness Influencer
Program PRO by doing only these 2 things!
Keep Posting About Us and Our Products!

Show your love and affection for us. Share as many posts about us and spread awareness about our products. We will keep an eye on the reach of your post. You will be rewarded accordingly!

Remember to tag #MuscleXP # nourishvitals #MuscleXPhealthfitnessprogram #MuscleXPbodybuildingsupplements

Create! Engage! Earn!

Create encouraging content and ask your Insta family to buy MuscleXP & Nourish Vitals products.
Earn points, everytime when your follower clicks on a special link!
Share More= Earn More
Just Don’t Stop Posting!


1. What is the MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer Program?

MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer Program is a program designed for health and fitness lovers to earn money. It is an annual subscription program that gets you access to an unlimited supply of MuscleXP and Nourish Vitals products. You just simply need to help us promote our products by MuscleXP and do your amazing job that you’re already doing – i.e. create encouraging and valuable content for your followers! You get to earn rewards and also earn tons of benefits in the process!

2. Do I Need To Get Registered To Join the MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer Program?

A.Yes, you will have to register with MuscleXP to participate in the program.

3. Can I Still Partner With Other Health and Fitness Brands?

A.Yes, you can be a MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer and still participate in other campaigns via other brands, as well. As it is a non-exclusive program, you are free to collaborate with other brands.

4. What Is The Minimum & Maximum Duration Of The Program?

A. Well, you need to be a part of MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer Program for at least 12 months. We will love you to be a part of this program for as long as you want!

5. What Is The Criteria To Be Eligible To Apply For This Program?

  • You should have a public business account on Instagram
  • You should have a minimum of 10K followers
  • You should be over 18 years of age
  • You should be based in India.

6. I Have An Active Youtube Account but Not Instagram. Can I Still Apply?

MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer Program is exclusively created for influencers with a valid and public Instagram account. Hence, only those with active Instagram accounts with the minimum following of 10,000 can participate in this program.

7. What Kind Of Influencers Qualify For The Program?

A.An established or ambitious fitness influencer or enthusiast has a high chance of getting approved. However, other influencers can also apply. You have no idea when you get lucky.

8. What Is The Criteria To Get Selected?

A.All you need is to be creative, post quality content and engage as many followers as possible. You only have to stay consistent. Our team does a thorough check, keeping these criteria in mind before your profile gets shortlisted.

9. What Is The Criteria To Get Promoted To MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer Champ?

  • Ensure that you make utmost use and highlight the benefits of the products in your content.
  • We Love Creativity! So go over and above and create as many unique images or videos as you can.
  • The engagement and reach of your #MuscleXPfitnessInfluencer posts.
  • Your content must influence your followers to buy our products

10. Will I Get Paid For Any Content Created For The Program?

A.You can get paid when;

  • You get picked as “MuscleXP Health & Fitness Influencer of the week” and get Rs….. every week
  • Your followers purchase products that you recommend using your link and you may get paid for that.

11. What if a particular product sent to me in the MuscleXP Fitness Box is not suitable for my health? Can I exchange it? Will I still be expected to use it in my content?

We completely understand if a particular product is not suitable for your health. However, we’re sure you can figure out unique ideas & ways to use it. You will earn points with your creativity. In general, we do not allow exchanges but you can reach out to us, in case of any concerns. We will try our best to help you.

12. Will I Be Allowed To Pick The Products I Would Like To Use In My Content?

A.For now, we are not providing any option where you can pick the products of your own choice.

13. What If I Want To Leave The Program Before I Complete 12 Months?

A.If you decide to leave the program, please get in touch with us at to discuss your options. Based on your concerns, we can plan your exit from the program or put your participation on hold and allow you to resume when possible. If you leave the program without informing us, you will lose out on the opportunity to rejoin our Influencer Program in the future and be denylisted from all future campaigns.

*Fitness Fanatic
Gym Maniac
Gym Junkie
Fitness Addict
Health Nut