Granola Mocha & Orange Peel Snack Bar
An amazing granola bar for coffee lovers is here! This NourishVitals Granola Mocha & Orange Peel Snack Bar is a lovely relishing favorite for all. The whole grain oat bars infused with Dark Choco Chips, Rice Crispy, Orange Peel, Coffee, Peanut Butter, and Honey gives an intensive delectable feel. The sticky chocolate and butter touch, honey base, sweet cum sour orange savor, a sweet and bitter blended coffee, and crunchy and delicious nutty butter – all – bring a large smile to your face. Who can say no to such a palatable snack punch?

Why it is nutritional?
- A Delicious Quench Spot – The granola snack bar will be a unique apple of one’s eye. It is a blend of different tastes – sweet, sour, and bitterness – the combo tasty feel stirring around the mouth is a definite feast for foodies.
- Dietary Fiber Loads for Digestive Health – A major portion of this bar has dietary fiber stuff from the fruit and bean stuff. Each bar constitutes about 6.8 g fiber content that assures sufficient fiber balance in the body. Thus, it assists in improved bowel movements, reducing intestinal problems, allowing smooth digestion, and many others.
- Protein Punch for Physique and Functional Fitness – The granola bar, with a 5.1 g protein punch, stands for a good nutritious supply to the body. It entails physical and functional fitness-enhancing immunity, bodybuilding, enzymatic actions, and many others.
- A Nature’s Love – It’s all an icon of naturality including fruits, coffee, original chocolate chips, oat grains, butter, and honey. There’s no space for chemical additives, preservatives, or flavor enhancers. It is a blessing to enjoy nature’s love by getting used to this nutritious and delicious snack bar.
- A Safe Place from Lactose – NourishVitals does not add extra chemicals or sugars for enhanced taste. It does not contain lactose too, which makes it a good choice for lactose-intolerant people. So, there won’t be any worries about the lactose intake, and you can freely enjoy the snack bar.
- Cholesterol-Free Snack Pack – The bar does not contain constituents that include cholesterol or trans fats. Thus, it assists in maintaining a better cardiovascular function. </span
No Trans Fat
No Cholesterol

Benefits of NourishVitals Mocha & Orange Peel Granola Snack Bar
Definitive Standard Quality:
NourishVitals follows standard quality control practices throughout the production, testing, packaging, and delivery means. The stringent regulations assure a healthy output avoiding any kind of negotiations and compromises.
Natural Preservation Means
Instead of tending towards synthetic preservatives and additives, we implement natural preservation techniques. Thereby, the original nature of the stuff remains intact a long way.
100% Vegetarian Relish
The NourishVitals Mocha and Orange Peel Granola Snack Bar fosters a pure vegetarian delight.
Appetite Filler:
The special coffee and orange punch granola bar fulfills your appetite anytime. Grab a bar and have crunchy bites whenever you feel hungry or wish to enjoy the relish.
Feasible Travel Companion:
With the adequate travel-friendly size, you can put the bar pack in your bag and go anywhere. Cherish a unique granola satisfaction with the convenient pack at your gym, office, home, or park.
Different Ways to Take NourishVitals Mocha & Orange Peel Granola Snack Bar
Just enjoy this special granola snack bar alone for a calorie-conscious snack.
Make the bar into tiny pieces and add it to your favorite desserts like ice creams and kheer.
Sprinkle the titbits of the bar onto cakes, pastries, muffins, and cupcakes.
Join the crunchy bar pieces to fruit bowls or oatmeals.
Q1. Can we consume the bar daily?
Yes, it is good enough to have it once every day to maintain a calorie-based diet and nutritious balance.
Q2.Is this NourishVitals granola bar vegetarian?
NourishVitals pertains to natural instincts and uses only vegetarian components in the granola. It has orange fruit peel, crispy rice, oats, butter, honey, and others that please our vegetarian customers.
Q3.Does the bar contain preservatives?
The bar does not contain artificial preservatives or sweeteners. Just the intact natural preservative components keep the bar fresh for a long time.
Q4.How can I make it a part of my diet?
We recommend you include this as a snack instead of going for rich-calorie junk foods. Bite it all alone or break it into small pieces for garnishing baked products and desserts. It’s even left to your innovative use for a more delicious granola punch.
Q5. Is there any specific time to have the granola bar?
There’s no restriction on the time to eat this NourishVitals granola bar. Yet, it is better to eat it in mid-morning or evening when you are busy at work, before or after exercising, during travel, or at your relax time.
Q6. Does the bar show an impact on well-being?
Absolutely yes. This NourishVitals granola snack bar is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, dietary fibers, and healthy fats. With the natural health boosters, it shows a positive impact on your health and well-being over time.
Additional Information
Manufactured By
Ayushveda Informatics (India) Pvt. Ltd, Plot No 296, Industrial Area Phase 2, Panchkula, Haryana – 134113
Bhavana –
These are trans fat free and cholesterol free snack bars. It is free from preservatives and added colors. The natural flavor of mocha and orange peel is great. These bars are absolutely perfect for quick binge.
Suhani –
These bars are seriously amazing! They are healthy and full of nutrition. These bars do not contain cholesterol or trans fat. They are free from additives.
Sohan –
I will surely recommend these bars! Made from natural ingredients. This is perfect for a quick binge anytime and anywhere. Free from trans fat and cholesterol.
Abhishek –
I loved these snack bars. These are made from 100% natural whole grain oats. These bars have no transfat or no cholesterol. Healthier than other snack I have tasted before.
Rishav –
These snack bars are super healthy and contain no preservatives and no added colors. These bars contain the natural flavor of mocha and orange peel. These bars are totally free from trans fat or cholesterol.
Khushi –
I really want to recommend these granola snack bars to all. These bars feature mocha and orange peel flavor. These are 100% natural whole grain oats bars with no preservatives and colors. There are no transfat or no cholestrol.
Devinder –
If you prefer whole grain protein bars then this is your pick! They have no preservatives, no added colors, no cholesterol or transfat. Million reasons to love these bars. So I did!
Ishanvi –
These granola snack bars with mocha and orange peel are made from 100% natural whole grain oats. There are no preservatives or color. Also these bars are made without preservatives or colors.
Palak –
These bars are hard to forget because of their natural ingredients and the face that they do not contain trans fat or cholesterol. Also there are no preservatives and color. These bars are made from 100% natural whole grain oats.
Jasmine –
Perfect for quick munching, these whole grain oats bars are combined with super combination of mocha and orange peel. There is no trans fat or cholesterol. Great nutrition value.
Aakriti –
These granola bars have the flavor of mocha and orange peel and these bars are 100% natural, made from 100% natural whole grain oats. This no transfat or cholesterol in these bars.
Jihaan –
These mocha & orange peel flavored energy bars is made with 100% natural whole grain oats without any preservatives or color! And these bars do not have trans fat or cholesterol. These bars taste so refreshing and good.
Veer –
This Mocha and orange peel flavor combination in these granola bars tastes delicious. I love enjoying them when I am looking for a healthy protein punch in my snacks.
Venugopal –
It is a highly wholesome and delicious snack. The wonderful thing about this food is that since it’s good for my health, I don’t have to stop eating it. I’ve bought this snack many times and urge everyone else to do the same.
Venugopal –
The granola bar has an immense amount of protein and amazing flavor. The snack with high protein is a good one to have right in the morning; I also love the smell.
Nitya –
Granola bar snack is the favorite kind of snack that is beloved by my whole family both of my kids love to have these granola bars as it helps with their sweet craving and provides them with the best protein source.
Asha Maria –
Granola bar snack is the favorite kind of snack that is beloved by my whole family both of my kids love to have these granola bars as it helps with their sweet craving and provides them with the best protein source.
Shweta –
This snack bar is now included in my routine. Has great taste and is highly nutritious. I take it almost every day after my workout. Would buy more of this.
Choti –
I constantly want more of the granola cafeteria since it is so delicious. It also has a strong satiety value, preventing me from consuming excessive amounts of fattening foods throughout the day. My hunger is satisfied by the mocha flavour, which pairs beautifully with the extract of orange peel.
Ranjan –
It is a delicious and highly healthy snack. The wonderful fact is that I do not have to force myself to stop eating it because it is also healthy for us. I’ve bought this snack a tonne of times and advise others to as well.
Yashaswi –
I like that they are made with only a few ingredients, specifically for a healthy lifestyle. It has a lot of protein, is low in fat, and is complete and balanced. The snack bar is really great for me.
Yashswai –
I like that they are made with only a few ingredients, specifically for a healthy lifestyle. It has a lot of protein, is low in fat, and is complete and balanced. The snack bar is really great for me.
Jatin –
I eat this granola snack bar since it is loaded with protein and other essential nutrients and gives your body a huge source of energy and stamina. The taste of this granular snack bar has impressed me a lot and I will recommend this to all fitness enthusiast
Ekam –
It gives me the energy I need to get through the day, and I love that it’s low in sugar and high in beneficial nutrients. This snack bar is no different; I’ve been eating it for breakfast, a snack, and even for dessert. It tastes great.
Kulkarni –
I regularly take this regular snack bar which supplies an immense source of energy to my body and helps me to perform heavy duty exercise is easily this product will help to meet your calorie intake in your body
Madhav –
you can get amazing health benefits without compromising taste if you choose this granola snack bar. This bar meets all your body’s calorie or nutritional requirements and will help you stay faithful and increase your body’s immunity. If you’re suffering from digestive problems and also you can take this snack bar
Ram –
It is a very healthy and tasty snack. The amazing thing about this snack is I do not need to stop myself from eating this bar as it is also beneficial for our health. I have purchased this snack so many times and would recommend everyone to do the same.
Sahil –
These granola bars are a good protein source for children as a snack. Granola bars are the snacking option my kids like to take to their school to eat when they have extra classes.
Kalash –
I have had this granola snack bar for a long time, and whenever I feel hunger pangs, I take this out and munch on it. It has a fulfilling and wholesome taste. If you want to munch on something healthy then you should have this snack bar
Ridhima –
This is the fastest snacking food for me and is like to go everywhere to eat these granola bars. However, this is a convenient option at home for a quick snack around the early morning and at night.
Anshu –
I have always enjoyed snack bars. I like to snack on granola bars, oatmeal bars, etc., and I’ve found that most are too high in fat or sugar. These bars are a great snack for the whole family and they are delicious! “
Aadav –
Going back to school, I often find myself running low on energy and having trouble focusing. So I started making my own granola bars at home with some pretty good results. My favorite is the NourishVitals Bar. The bar comprises oats, almonds, flax seed, and sunflower seeds. It also contains cacao, which boosts energy. In addition, the bar is high in fiber.
Devki –
Tastes good, especially the ingredients, which drew me in; otherwise, I would have chosen something else, but the promises they made were incredible, and now I’m buying more. It is the best product that I can buy to eat right now as it is healthy and also not very expensive.
Rishabh –
Take this granola snack bar as a healthy snack option whenever you feel hungry and want to eat something light and tasty. This snack bar supplies a burst of energy to the body and comes with a sweet taste
Shreya –
The granola snack bar is so tasty that I always crave more. Also, it has a high satiety value, ensuring that I do not eat too much fatty food during the day. The Mocha flavour goes very well with the orange peel extract and satisfies my hunger.
Isha –
These are excellent choices for a light snack when traveling. I enjoy eating granola snack bars whenever I leave the house, go to the office, or am at home. These bars’ ingredients are all-natural and organic. So when you’re hungry or want to appreciate the flavor, snag a bar and take a few crunchy bites.
Rajib Ghosh –
These granola bars are the tastiest and very good snacking option for all lazy people like me. These granola bars are the best option for a lazy morning but still a healthy option for the breakfast, I love them eternally.
Kajal Khurana –
This snack bar is a satisfactory item for Snacking. It completes the need for food. It is easy to eat anytime during the day or at night. Its quality is up to the mark. It tastes good.
Asma –
My snack without this Mocha and Orange Peel bar is super boring. Although, I’m a busy man, I take one or two snack bars as a meal replacement bar or a snack bar when I do not have time to cook. Tasty snack bar!
Aaliyah –
My snack without this nice Mocha and Orange Peel bar is super boring. Although, I’m a busy man, I take one or two snack bars as a meal replacement bar or a snack bar when I do not have time to cook. Tasty snack bar!
Aliyah –
My snack without this Mocha and Orange Peel bar is super boring. Although, I’m a busy man, I take one or two snack bars as a meal replacement bar or a snack bar when I do not have time to cook. Tasty snack bar!
Debashis Banerjee –
This bar is a combination of taste and health. All the nutrients are absolutely healthy and natural without added chemicals or preservatives. It acts as the best snack rather than fried chips and other snacks it provides a lot of strength and keeps you healthy.
Iyer –
This great snack bar is so delicious, it has a texture of crunchiness yet it is chewy at the same time. But I feel like the price is a little bit higher for a pack of snack bars. I have tried other good quality snack bars but they did not cost me like this one.
Saya –
This snack bar is made with standard quality and with natural ingredients. This is a perfect appetite filler while traveling. We can take this alone or in different ways. For example, we can add these bars to ice creams. Furthermore, we can serve these with oatmeals also.
Anindita Shome –
I can properly confirm that as much as I love to drink coffee every day, this granola bar has essentially become my favorite because of the taste of coffee in this. Additionally, this granola bar has a subtle taste of butter in it.
Tanu –
This orange granola bar relish is a fruity and crispy addition. I eat it as a snack whenever I feel like grabbing a bar of chocolate. It is very good and I suggest it to those who need to eat a snack bar.
Michelle –
This is such a delicious and healthy snack. I am addicted to this mocha and orange peel granola snack bar and the best thing is that I don’t have to stop myself from snacking on this super healthy granola bar. It is also affordable and I have repurchased this so many times.
Sneha Ray –
Your kids like chocolate and often have craving for it. But they are not good for the health. So this product is available as an alternative to chocolates. It’s full of proteins and other essential nutrients. Good for your kid’s health and overall growth, and development. Give to them without any worry. Would recommend it to all.
Monica Rajhput –
Tastes good, especially the ingredients attracted me towards this, else I could have chosen something else but, the promises they made are amazing and, after buying this I am buying more now.
Vaishali Chauhan –
These are a great option for a Healthy snack on the go. I always like to eat Granola snack bar when I travel out or go to the office or at home. The ingredients of these bars are natural and organic!